
A Simple Go Static Site Generator

grafē is a simple static site generator.

# Installation

git clone
cd grafe
go install

# Usage

To run grafē, run the grafe command in the root directory of the site.

grafē renders HTML files from Markdown files in the ./content directory into the ./public directory.

grafē finds HTML templates in the ./templates and ./theme/templates directories. Within the template folder, grafē pages are rendered from layouts in the templates/layouts directory; each layout to be used in rendering includes all templates in the templates/includes directory.

grafē copies the contents of the ./theme/static and the ./static directories in that order over to ./public/static directory.

grafē also generates a .nojekyll file in the ./public directory.

A typical project structure before rendering is:

|  |
|  |--+styles
|     |---newStylesheet.css
|  |---layouts
|  |---includes
   |  |--+styles
   |     |---stylesheet.css

After running grafē, this becomes:

|  |
|  |--+styles
|     |---newStylesheet.css
|  |---layouts
|  |---includes
|  |--+static
|  |  |--+styles
|  |     |---stylesheet.css
|  |--+templates
|     |---layouts
|     |---includes
   |  |--+styles
   |     |---newStylesheet.css
   |     |---stylesheet.css

# Credits

Created by Elli Beres using: